Tonya Huffman
Here is how the Flexaway has helped me. I'm 48 yrs old. I started noticing my forehead falling, feeling like forehead was starting to look somewhat like a Shar-pei wrinkle dog. Eyebrows didn't seem to be where they used to be once upon a time. Also, face in general looked like it was melting, lips angling downward. Even smile and nose getting crooked (no one told me this happens as you get older). I was starting to look like I was really tired and frowning at the world and I started seeing the start of marionette lines and pockets of extra skin or fat gathering at corners of mouth. The major bummer is I feel great inside. I don't physically feel older, but loss of volume, tone or elasticity or whatever this aging thing is was making me appear sad and when I looked at myself in mirror, I didn't really recognize myself. So I googled anti-aging options, saw the Flexaway site and started flexing, hoping to plump up those underneath muscles like website advertised and hopefully uplift all those facial features that made me appear older than I feel. Since flexing I've noticed lips fuller, I've never had upturned lips but they are no longer majorly downturned, my face overall looks more defined/sculpted. Anyway, my jaw line is more defined, my forehead is smoother. The fascinating thing that recently happened to me was a few weeks ago I ran into this couple, one that I hadn't seen since around last November (around 9 months ago). They are in their early 20's. The young lady's expression when she turned around and looked at me was priceless. She was genuinely surprised, I think perplexed, her first words were, "You look young, your skin looks radiant". I laughed because her words were just a reflexive response, genuine. It made me feel really good and tells me that this Flexing thing works.Thank you so much for providing this wonderful device!

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