Major health and cosmetic companies worldwide have identified the L-triple C to have a substantially beneficial ingredient to our products that include:
Skincare for all skin types & hard to treat acne
Raw formulated ingredients for vitamins & mineral supplements
Phamacutical products, with vega, organic processing
Our State-of-the-art processing methods means the L-Ascorbic Acid provides 100% soluble extract, free of preservative and organically certified, low cost vitamin C just like the face wash
Flexaway Lip Balm
Flexaway Vitamin C Serum
Kakadu-Plum has been identified world wide as the single natural food source with the highest Vitamin C content on the planet. It contains 3000mg of Vitamin C per 100g of fruit - over 50 times the concentration found in oranges. This plant is found in the pure leaf beauty Anti Aging Serums, and fresh from frozen harvest with no shelf life. Can be stored on shelf for two years after ordered from Pure Leaf Beauty Co. Beverly Hills Dermatologists use it. Now available to the consumer. See our Vitamin C Skincare, stop buying diluted Vitamin C serums that have been sitting in warehouse shelves for months.