Flexaway System® Face Exercise Device's Customer Reviews
Find out what people are saying about Flexaway!
I started using Flexaway as a 28 year old undergraduate. Many of my peers couldn't even notice that I was past 20.
Joseph M
Los Angeles, August 2015
Here is how the Flexaway has helped me. I'm 48 yrs old. I started noticing my forehead falling, feeling like forehead was starting to look somewhat like a Shar-pei wrinkle dog. Eyebrows didn't seem to be where they used to be once upon a time. Also, face in general looked like it was melting, lips angling downward...
Tonya Huffman
Chicago, - August 2015
I received the Flexaway Thursday and there is a great difference between the old and new. I love it, I’m able to do 40 with the new system and the resistance is great. Thanks again and I’ll keep in touch.
Robin Gogolin
Gibsonia, PA 5 year FlexAway veteran - August 22, 2015
Using Flexaway strengthens the jaw muscles and has corrected my TMJ. My facial muscles seem stronger and I feel them while I work out. It’s a great feeling knowing your face is toning. One can put on hundreds of dollars of creams that only make your face soft, but they do nothing to make one look toned or younger.
Robin Gogolin
Gibsonia, PA 5 year FlexAway veteran - August 2015
I'm still using the flexaway system, going on 11yrs. I get complements all the time saying I look younger than I am, I use it everyday for a minute.
Kimberly Silva
11 Year Flexaway Veteran - August 2015
This is why I love the Flexaway system. I started developing smile lines when I was in my late 20's. But now, at age 62, thanks to the Flexaway system, they have not folded into "marionette" lines. Thanks so much for what you do. One year veteran.
Ms Marilynn M.
Decatur, Georgia - July 2015
I have been using my own device since January. I am very pleased with it. I feel that I look younger, and the initial start of any neck looseness has disappeared!!! Love it!!! Also around my eyes is more youthful, and any progression toward drooping is arrested!!
Sharlene K
Ottowa , Canada -May 2015
I'm a Pilates teacher and am working hard on my class...I've been using Flexaway for 3 weeks and I love it!
I can do 50 reps because I did facial exercises before I got this device.
Sarah Berger
NYC Pilates Instructor -May 2015
As a facial exerciser (the new gray advanced) is far and away the best model yet. [5 year Flexaway customer]
Doug Wiesenthal
New York, NY -Mar 2015
I have just two words: BUY IT!! This wonderful device is easy and comfortable to use. I was delighted to see quite noticeable lifting in the upper eyelid, cheek and chin areas. And my lips are so much fuller.
Karen O'Keane
Chicago, Illinois -Mar 2015
The first week I used this device I was floored. My face firmed up. People think I had some work done, only Flexaway! Great to know I can regain face muscles back like I had them 10 years past. I use it 6 days a week after I shave..for about a minute or two.
W, Pena, Miami, Fla -Feb '2015
As an actor, I developed a crooked smile over the years. This Flexaway evened out my smile, and my agent says "I've never looked better on film until now." He says don't do fillers just use the Flexaway!
David S, Los Angleos, Ca -Feb '2015
I'm a writer and do a lot of public speaking. Last year, I became conscious of the lines that began to form around the corners of my mouth: I started to get this frown, and I was not frowning! The Flexaway completely erased the frown. Now, I have a upward turned smile permanently and I'm 56.
My wife uses too. Thanks Tamara, for helping us out here.
Richard H., Atlanta, GA -Feb '2015
Have a been a long time, five years or more Flexaway user. I thought it would make my face thinner, actually it's sculpted my face muscles and keeps my face fuller they way it was ten or so years ago. I've no marionette lines, I have lifted cheeks. It's helped me keep my lips from getting thinner. I love it I am hooked. And I love the new pink prototype. Just trying out the new advanced grey one.. I'll keep you posted.
Patricia Oja fin, Santa, Barbara, Ca -Feb '2015
I've been a faithful and grateful customer for 10 yrs now ~ Just 1 min/ a day with flexaway keeps my jowls away! I'm 55 yrs young and people say I look forty something. Keep up the good work of improving and providing this wonderful device and I will continue being and looking my best!
Kimberly S Sebastopol,CA -Feb '2015
I just wanted to thank you for your flexaway device. I have used it off and on for 2 years now, I find that when I use it regularly my whole face looks clearer, I have more colour and my wrinkles and a lot softer and less visible and my face looks more toned in general. I love this device , it is simple to use and it is a very inexpensive, it is great value for the money. Thank you for your help in my second order and for your generosity.
Sherry Barker ONTARIO Canada -Feb '2015
I have been using the flex away system for at least three years. I decided to start using it because I notice my face was beginning to slacken. And i was getting a double chin. Almost immediately within a couple of weeks I noticed an amazing difference. My face looked more sculpted.
Margaret McKenzie, London, UK -Feb '2015
As a tennis player, I see the benefits of resistance training. I decided to try the Flexaway System for marionette lines and this device works! My lines are gone, cheeks lifted! I got one for my sister. I like to do everything natural. I am not into fillers or botox. Thanks so much Flexaway!
Jolanta Gallop, Ann Arbor MI -Feb '2015
Just to say its been 2 weeks since i have been doing my flexaway exercises and the results are fantastic. I cant believe it. THANK YOU so much for creating it. I will soon order another device as I'm scared in case the one I have will break.
Annalisa R., Canberra, Australia -Jan '2015
It has been almost 2 months since I started using Flexaway and I wanted to let you know about my exciting results. My face is thinner, dark marionette crevices are fading, my eyes are more open and lifted, much less puffy and those awful heavy hoods are gone.
Julie W, Madison WI -Jan '2015
I was glad to hear that you are putting the lip guard back in the flexaway kit. I look forward to receiving mine. I want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I love this product. I have tried every thing out there, and this is the best. It truly works. I have used the device for about two weeks, and I can already tell a difference in my face.
Vee M., Hayesville, NC. -Jan '2015

This product is protected by two U.S. patents. © 2015 Hanna Ibes, Inc All Rights Reserved